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Customer experience: MR Groep

Thanks to Loca, we now know exactly where our glass and window frames are located

MR Groep from Halsteren specializes in plastic frames, roller shutters, awnings, garage doors and facade cladding. The company was founded in 1983. MR Groep manufactures and assembles plastic frames itself and is regarded as a plastics expert for the wider region. The company supplies customized plastic applications for new construction and renovation.

MR Group saves on costs thanks to Loca Asset Tracking

“More than two years ago we started to equip our glass and window frames with Loca asset trackers. We noticed that we regularly lost frames because they were left with a customer and then they were not returned. In this way we had to invest unnecessarily in new frames”.

Cost effective and option to charge for unused frames

“Door onze glasbokken en kozijnbokken te voorzien van de Loca gps-tracker is hier gelukkig verandering in gekomen”, vertelde Jaap Rijnberg van MR Groep. “Nu we weten waar de bokken precies staan, kunnen wij ook gericht de klanten benaderen als daar nog een glasbok staat die niet meer gebruikt wordt. We kunnen de klant nu bellen met de vraag om de glas- of kozijnbokken terug te sturen of dat ze de bokken willen behouden.

In deze laatste situatie kunnen we de klant dan een rekening sturen voor het gebruik van de bokken. Door inzicht in de locaties hebben we ons logistieke proces verder geoptimaliseerd, hoeven we niet onnodig te investeren in nieuwe bokken en kunnen we de eindklant een rekening sturen als ze de bokkend definitief van ons overnemen”.

“Fortunately, this has changed by fitting our glass and window frames with the Loca GPS tracker,” said Jaap Rijnberg of MR Groep. “Now that we know exactly where the framkes are located, we can also approach customers specifically if there is still a glass frame there that is no longer used. We can now call the customer and ask them to return the glass or frame frames or whether they want to keep the frames. 

In the latter situation, we can then send the customer an invoice for the use of the frames. By understanding the locations, we have further optimized our logistics process, we do not have to invest unnecessarily in new frames and we can send the end customer an invoice when they take over the frames from us.”

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